The Waiting is Agony!

I have to let you know that the last 6 weeks have been agony for both Tammy and I 😦

Waiting for a decision from the British Consulate in New York is, without doubt, one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced, and we still know nothing about our fate! By nature, I’m a positive person and I take some comfort in knowing that our application is strong and professionally compiled, but it is extremely difficult to feel positive amid this process.

If it’s rejected then we have some major mountains to climb and I know both of us are willing to wait for each other and will do whatever it takes to be together, but I also know it will take its toll on us and our families; as it’s affects them as well 😦

As I told you before, Tammy’s health is under attack as the whole process wears on her, this adds to my feelings of pain and frustration, I wish I could do more for her, to look after her like a good husband and best friend would.

She never ceases to amaze me with her inner strength, she believes herself to be weak, yet I know she’s amazingly strong! Her life story is one of many trials and tribulations, yet she has always managed to pull herself up off her knees and face the next day with the same beauty and grace; as she faced the last. If ever there was a measure of strength it is this and I’m so happy and proud to be her husband.

It’s been 14 weeks since we last held each other and I miss her terribly!

She has brought so much happiness and love into my life, I have never felt so good and I know Tammy feels the same way, it really is an amazing thing! So much so that we are prepared to go through this agony to be together forever 🙂

Adam x