Ripple effect….growing together in a better world

“…the husband’s responsibility [is] to provide his wife with peace of love and understanding, permanence, and security in provision of trust.”


My new husband is always exercising loving headship, servant leadership qualities, holds to his responsibility to the family to uphold TRUST and HONOR and looks to the welfare and conduct and direction of himself and I and our children. He promotes the Bible as a tool for living upright and guiding us to the best standard of life. he does NOT work to tear down the foundations of our marriage and family with lies or unbeknownst actions of treachery against the marriage promise. His goal is the happiness of us all and NOT of just himself. Because of this, I can learn TRUST again and have hope in a better future and can give my children the best upbringing while both parents are on the same team working together in LOVE, not just in DUTY,for the same goals in the relationship. This relationship means a better environment and allows for all of us to thrive and have peace and happiness. We then can share what peace is in our hearts and our happiness with those around us. It also causes our children to grow up with better standards and ideals for how good adult relationships should be for them. It has the ripple effect. Look at how that works 🙂

Optimism and Despair

So it’s been a long while since I’ve posted and that is a reflection of how hard life has been for both Tammy and myself recently; being apart really is like falling into an Abyss!!


This Abyss tries it’s hardest to suck every drop of positive energy from you and leave you in despair.


Optimism and Despair (by Scott Breton)

We’ve been apart now since the 14th July and I don’t mind admitting that I’m depressed about that and I know that Tammy is too! We both know that in time that will be sorted and we can get on with our life together, but let me tell you; this isn’t for the faint hearted!!


Since I’ve been gone I seen my wife’s health degenerate and I’m convinced that some of this is down to us being apart. I’m a firm believer in that a positive outlook is really beneficial to our health, where a depression can cause acidity to eat at your health from within.

It’s upsetting to see the one you love struggling and not be able to be there and have that loving cuddle of reassurance 😦 Optimistic words can only go so far in helping and after a while I’m sure they can actually become irksome as your reassurances are repeated; I’m sure that sometimes Tammy’s thinking “if he says that again I’m gonna scream!”

Where are we?

A little over 2 weeks ago we submitted Tammy’s application to the British Embassy for acceptance as my Spouse to live in England, a little over 2 weeks ago we believed that (as stated on the UK Border Agency’s website) that 85% of settlement visa where processed within 15 working days; yet we were dismayed to discover that the New York’s office is averaging 39 working days!!!

This is not helping…….

State of Mind

Over the last few years and months I’ve learnt a lot about myself, the most important of which I consider to be my ability to go easy on myself, especially when others are having a go! I’ve taken to this mantra, if you are trying your best, giving it everything you have then you should be comfortable with yourself, you can do no more! Conversely, if I know I’ve been slacking then I’m setting myself up for sleepless nights!

Living by this philosophy has provided me with a defensive shield which protects me for the worst the world can throw at me, believe me it’s so easy to go overboard on yourself; which in turn leads to self doubt and fear.

Secondly, I’ve have, by default, become a far more patient man, this is a blessing and affords me the will power I need to stay faithful to my goals, ambitions and most importantly my wife!

In the past we have both been dealt a rough hand by those we loved, but now we have found each other we will never give up what we have for anything and in time the positive, healing effects of being in a mutually loving and respectful marriage will pay dividends to our wellness!


Respect and Peace!

Adam x